西安周周谝好房 外国房价怎么样?对于年轻人来说负担重吗?能不能遇到"tiktok 难民"来回答一下[暗中观察R] How about housing prices in other countries besides China? Are they burdensome for young people? Any "TikTok refugees" here to share their experiences? [Observing in secret R]#房价[话题]# #房地产[话题]# #东西方文化差异[话题]# #tiktok难民[话题]# #抖音难民[话题]#
西安周周谝好房 In Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, a decent house costs at least 1.5 million RMB. However, most people buy houses on mortgage, with a down payment of 230,000 RMB and a monthly payment of over 5,000 RMB.